Connect Without
Using Data
Simple. Efficient. Easy.

How To Connect To A Zone
It Only Takes Three Easy Steps

Step 1
Look For The Logo
When you see the Information Zone sign you know there is a Virtual Zone active in the area. You just need to access it.
Step 2
Connect to the Zone
IZ Cores function just like Wi-Fi hotspots, but instead of accessing the internet you access a companies Virtual Zone!
To Connect To A Zone*
Go to settings
Access tour network/connections tab
Click on Wi-Fi
You will see the company Virtual Zone. Click on it.
*Connection works with Android, Apple and PC.​

Step 3
Virtual Zone
You can now access the company Virtual Zone. Each Zone is different with options including:
4K Video Replay
Document Downloads
Online Bookings (where available)
Links to Additional Services

No Data Requirements.
No App Downloads.
Simple. Efficient. Easy

At locations where Information Zone is installed the IZ Core acts as a wireless sender within a 10m radius from the IZ Cores position.
This means Visitors can access a Virtual Zone, regardless of remote location, data signal or internet connection.
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